• Auckland, New Zealand
  • info@yzrvnz.com

An example of supply chain traceability with each step of the way. Each of the following steps are stored as transaction using blockchain technology to ensure the data are transparent and secure.

2. Greasy Fleece was sent to China for scouring

Shipping Date: N/A
Bill of lading: be available upon request.

3. Merino fleece was spined into yarn

Date: N/A
Producer: Suedwolle in China. (http://www.suedwollegroup.com/)
Quantity and batch information: N/A

4. Merino yarn was shipped back to New Zealand

Shipping date: N/A
Bill of lading: be available upon request.

5. Merino yarn was knitted into fabric.

Date: N/A
Producer: Dev in Drury
Quantity and batch information: N/A

6. Merino fabric was dyed.

Date: N/A
Producer: Inter-weave in Auckland
Quantity and batch information: N/A

7. Merino dyed fabric was sewn into Polo shirt

Date: N/A
Producer: Omega apparel in Auckland
Quantity and batch information: N/A Brand: EarthlyNature